How does it work?
After an initial assessment by a skilled luthier, your guitar is loaded in the PLEK machine. PLEK will then scan the fingerboard and frets, evaluating string heights, positions and consistencies acrossthe entire neck. During this diagnostic period, PLEK provided a series of detailed graphs and plans to communicate the results and areas for improvement and refinement.
Then the real magic of the PLEK experience occurs, the “Virtual Fret Dress”. This software tool makes it possible to set the amount of fret height to be cut as well as adjusting the radius (making it possible to obtain a compound radius within the frets) as well as the amount of “fall-off” on the upper frets.
Initially, this all happens virtually, meaning that the VFD merely simulates the result of cutting without actually processing the frets.
Frets that are too high or too low can be easily recognised and targeted for virtual correction. This means that when the instrument is actually processed, the amount of fret material to be cut is kept to a minimum.
The machine automatically sets about levelling and dressing the frets for optimum performance and playability. The dressed frets are then polished and your guitar restrung, the level of consistency across the neck is incredible and every note and string will ring clear and true.
The PLEK can also custom cut a new nut to provide greater tuning stability and improve the action if required.