New Release | Earthquaker Devices Aurelius
Part of the fun of being a guitarist is the eternal quest for tonal nirvana, the never-ending search for that pedal, amp or guitar that will make all the difference and elevate you to levels as yet unseen!
Effects pedals are often the easiest and most frequently rotated part of our rigs and one of our favourite purveyors of these mystical little boxes are the guys over at Earthquaker Devices. From their facility in the post-apocalyptic wasteland of Akron, Ohio, Earthquaker Devices craft some of the most unique and revered pedals around, finding favour with players as varied as The Black Keys, Jonny Greenwood, Paul Simon and Sunn O))).
Crafted by hand, one at a time, Earthquaker Devices do things properly, and the quality of their work shows.
Their latest release is no different, it’s certainly caught our attention and we’re pretty sure you’re going to dig it too. Introducing the BRAND NEW Earthquaker Devices Aurelius, a Tri-Voice Chorus with cool by the bucketload!
The mighty Aurelius is no ordinary chorus pedal, it’s a triple voiced delight with six programmable presets AND an expression control. There’s Vibrato, Chorus and Rotary modes and you can sculpt their width, rate and balance to hit that sweet modulated high. It’s super versatile and offers total control and tone sculpting freedom, it’s really easy to use and you can recall presets at the tap of a button!
The Aurelius is heavily inspired by the classic 1970’s CE-1 Chorus Ensemble, you know the one, the elder statesman of the Chorus Ensemble family that’s still going strong today. Drawing influences from the very best vintage and boutique modulations, Earthquaker have done what Earthquaker do, finding what makes these classic pedals tick, capturing that magic and then pushing them to their limits!
It’s a rad pedal, and one that thanks to its compact housing and user friendly layout, can comfortably fit on anybody's pedalboard. And it should, because it’s brilliant!
As always, you can buy with confidence from Peach Guitars. From meticulously inspecting each piece of equipment, professionally setting up each guitar, tracking every package, and delivering the best after-sales customer service, our team will do our best to make you feel welcome and offer genuine, professional advice.